Business Website Design Tips For Novice Entrepreneurs

One thing you have to know about running your own business in 2018 is that you have to have a digital presence. Your business website design is the first step to building such a presence, but you’ll have to get it right to make a proper impact on the web. For those who are unsure how to tackle this, they may turn to website design professionals, which you can go now and find out more about so you can be helped by making the impression that you want.

You’re probably not an expert in web design, so you’ll have to dig in to learn. Start your research now, and read through this brief look at some business website design tips for novice entrepreneurs.

Design for easy navigation

Visitors to your business website will immediately look for a way to explore your content which is why the landing page of your site must be eye-catching and easy to navigate. some companies specialise in landing page design like the ones found here It’s important that you work movement into your design by adding sufficient navigation options for people to explore your page. If the design is too complex, visitors may tire and leave your page before viewing any of your content or services.

Traditionally, a stationary navigation bar like this legal website displays is the most efficient way to infuse movement into your web design. Feel free to add a little creativity, but keep it simple.

Encourage communication

Communication is vital to the success of your business operation, and your business website is no different. Make sure to create a safe space and plenty of opportunities for visitors to communicate with your business.

In addition to the standard “Contact Us” page, learn to use other tools for boosting communication. A well-written “call to action” is a great way to draw users into communication.

Utilize social media as a tool

Social media is a vast network of marketing potential, and your business website will always benefit from being linked to such a widespread pool of individuals. Adding social media sharing icons to your website design will expand the digital reach of your content and draw in more visitors.

The placement of social media icons within your site design should be a strategic decision process. Your business blog posts, your homepage, and your contact page are all good places to start adding the opportunity to “share.”

Quality content makes an impact

The more quality content your business dispurses online, the more of a chance you have at being seen. Make sure to add a “Blog” section to your design specifically for the purpose of creating a space for more quality web content.

When it comes to your business blog, make sure to keep a refreshing cycle of content for interested readers. Add new content weekly, and post articles that highlight pieces of your specific industry.

Learn and incorporate SEO

Search engine optimization is a powerful tool for marketing your business operation online. If you’re not yet familiar with the ins and outs of SEO, you need to make learning the ropes a priority.

SEO will teach you how to create content that draws the right attention online. It will also help your business to create a digital presence that ranks higher in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Of course, if you don’t feel like you could manage to design an entire website yourself, you could look at outsourcing to Sunshine Coast Website Design. They can incorporate brilliant SEO with a flawless website design. This can help take the pressure off and allow you to focus on running your business.

Colin Shaw
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Written by Colin Shaw

Colin has been in the finance market for over 20 years and specialises in best business practice to make an organisation profitable. The only man for the job when it comes to numbers and accounts with a keen talent for simplifying finance for the wider market.