Why You Should Never Stop Developing Your Research Skills

True to our name and our originally stated dedication to bringing you the best in research and consulting services, at Research A Lot we like to pass useful information and skills to our clients, readers and followers alike, because this way we continuously develop our own value proposition, shaping it to a dynamically changing environment. So if we’re ever to discuss a topic like just why it is you should never stop developing your research skills, it may appear as if we’re giving away the trade secrets by which we construct our value.

We’re not though. All we’re doing is passing on the valuable information and skills we acquire to you, mostly as a means through which to test our value proposition in a practically deployed environment.

Okay, so let’s get to work…

Right, so why is it so important for you to make the development of your research skills a lifelong thing? If I had to sum it up in just one sentence it would go along the lines of information being power and that those who have refined research skills hold all the power. But it is important to understand that research can have various components depending on what you are researching about. For instance, if you are studying climate change, you may have to do a practical study, along with collecting data from past research. For that, you can look for cellular weather stations to set up to collect live data.

Obviously, I’m going to go a little deeper than that, kicking things off with an exploration of one of the scenarios in life which epitomise just how much power one has over another, based solely on the fact that they have more information. Actually, perhaps the right way to put it is in saying that the one who has direct access to the various information-gathering channels is the one with the power because the information is free, for the most part, but you have to know what to do with it if you’re to get ahead or even just to survive. Take the example of a genealogist. The primary skill of someone in that line of work would be research skills. They need to access several historical records, personnel data, and obituary achieves like the kind Genealogy Bank (go to website) provide to do their work.

If that example was a little too detailed, let’s go through an example a typical reader of ours is likely to identify with, shall we?

In this information era we’re living in, some people make their entire living either selling information products or selling advertising which is directly related to the information they share. Information becomes valuable only when it can be used in practical applications however, so if for instance you’re running something like a legal forum on which legal advice is offered, your research skills with specific regards to the legal field are what will set you apart. After all, the same information which you Google is perhaps just as easily available to your competitors, so the value proposition in that then shifts to how that information is interpreted.

Sticking with the legal forum example, it’s very easy to point your readers in the direction of a list of legal firms in a certain area whose services they may be interested in, but going the extra mile will set you apart, which is something that can be done through something as simple as perhaps classifying the legal firms according to unique offerings, like featuring the most qualified car accident lawyer Seattle has on offer, for example.

All in all however, it is indeed your ability to use the information you gather which will give you the competitive advantage, so the development of your research skills should be a lifelong commitment.

Colin Shaw
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Written by Colin Shaw

Colin has been in the finance market for over 20 years and specialises in best business practice to make an organisation profitable. The only man for the job when it comes to numbers and accounts with a keen talent for simplifying finance for the wider market.