How to Start an FX Makeup Artistry Business

Who doesn’t love to cuddle on the couch with your honey on a rainy day and take in a good movie or settle in for a marathon of their favorite tv series?! Most can’t wait for that opportunity, but we seldom consider all the work that goes into producing each scene played out.

Countless hours are spent meticulously building each set, memorizing every line and inflection, and getting accustomed to the sometimes layers upon layers of special effects makeup.

With that said, there is big money to be had if you have the skill to turn a perfectly healthy little boy into a member of the walking dead and even more if you are the supplier to that talent. Here’s a few ideas that might help you head that direction.  

Build Your Inventory

We are in the recent weeks after Thanksgiving and finally turkeyed out. How many of you made a last minute trip to the grocery store for the turkey or a forgotten dinner item only to find them sold out?

It feels as if there might be several sheepish grins out there. It’s an inconvenience, to say the least, to try to pull off a project such as Thanksgiving dinner or a makeup business without the proper inventory. You can’t even begin work on a portfolio until you have the supplies to do so.

Do the research and educate yourself on what the quality brands are, where the average prices fall, what is selling the best, and who is buying it. Then, create a complete inventory list that will fit the needs of your particular business and begin the efforts of fulfilling your order.   

Create a Portfolio

When you go to an interview for a job, you almost always have to have a resume cataloging your experience in the field you are trying to secure a position in. Makeup artistry is one of the few business where having a portfolio to back up your resume will come in handy. A portfolio will put your skills on display for customers to see.

Since they won’t always have the option of buying a product off the shelf, a portfolio allows them to see the potential you retain as an artist. After your inventory is stocked up, recruit some volunteers or hire some willing victims and create a variety of characters for your customers to review.

You might make one up as a zombie. Another might be an alien from your imagination. Make sure to include the human side, as well. For example, you may want to make attempt to recreate the bodily response to last stages of cancer or turn back the clock on an older individual.

Gain Some Credibility

In the end, some people will give you a smile and a nod and sing your praises after seeing your portfolio and then ask you where you went to school. Let’s make this clear. You do not have to go to school to enter the FX makeup artistry business.

However, there are many clients that simply won’t take a second look at doing business with you if you don’t have some credentials. There are several schools that offer certificates and degrees that will pad your credibility. Most degree based programs are part of a bachelor’s in theatre and can range anywhere from $25,000 and up.

Considering the FX makeup artistry business? Refer to this article as often as needed to give you a leg up in the startup process.


Colin Shaw
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Written by Colin Shaw

Colin has been in the finance market for over 20 years and specialises in best business practice to make an organisation profitable. The only man for the job when it comes to numbers and accounts with a keen talent for simplifying finance for the wider market.